If your device can sense background light, try the following:
In the search bar, type in Settings and run the Settings App.
Click on Settings and then on Display.
Look for setting to automatically adjust brightness when lighting changes and turn it off.
On the games and Tournament Schedule page, the clock doesn't run till I click on it
Welcome to the Google "I know better than my users" what is acceptible for browsing!
To fix this, clear out the address bar and type in "chrome://plugins/" without the quotes and hit enter.
Look for Flash, and check the box next to "Always allow to run"
How do I get my browser to remember my nicks when I login?
You must change a setting in your web browser that is set to remember what you typed in a login box.
Click on Tools, Internet Options, then click on the Content tab.
Click on the settings button under Autocomplete.
Check the username checkbox, and click OK.
Click Ok, then Ok again.
Restart your browser.
In Firefox/Mozilla
Click on Tools, Options, and then click on Security at the top.
Check Remember passwords for sites and click OKay.
Whenever I sit down at a game table, and try to start, I get a SafeHarborGames stopped working
The fix is as follows:
Close all lobbies and windows to SafeHarborGames or one of its games.
Open your My Documents Folder or Documents folder (depends on the version of Windows you have).
Open the Safe Harbor Games folder.
Depending on the game, open the corresponding folder. For example, if you are having trouble in Backgammon, open the Backgammon folder.
Find a file ending in .cfg and delete it.
If you do not see such a file, close that folder, go to the Safe Harbor Games folder, and delete the whole Game Folder. Again, for example, if you are having trouble with Backgammon,
delete the Backgammon folder.
This should fix your problem.
I have no sounds on my computer! - How do I fix this?
Source from https://www.drivereasy.com/knowledge/solved-failed-to-play-test-tone/
[Solved] Failed to play test tone
Camilla Mo, Last Updated: 9 months ago in Sound Issues
Error “Failed to play test tone” could be caused by corrupted audio drivers, sound configurations and corrupted Windows files. In this article, you will find solutions to solve this problem. If you meet this error while testing sound, try solutions here. One of them should fit your needs. The steps below apply to Windows 10, 7, 8, 8.1, XP & Vista.
Solution 1: Restart Windows Audio Service
Follow these steps:
1. Hold Down Windows logo and press R key. A Run dialog box will pop up.
2. Type services.msc in the run box and click OK button.

3. In right Services Window, find Windows Audio from the “Name” list and right-click on it. Click Restart in the pop-up menu. Then the audio service will restart.

I checked do not run SafeHarborGames in Google Chrome by mistake - How do I fix it?
From Google Support help:
Close your Google Chrome. It's critical that Chrome is NOT RUNNING when you make this change. Open Task Manager and stop any Google Chrom processes first.
Go to this location C:\Users\Your Windows username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\.
Right-click on file Local State and then choose Open with.
Choose Notepad to open the file.
Look for the word “protocol_handler” where you should see a list of applications.
Please remove all these lines which contain the word safeharborgames and save the Notepad. Now, Google Chrome will prompt you for confirmation each time you open a link.
Have you used the Control + F functionality to find the 'protocol_handler'? If this doesn't help, I suggest you uninstall Chrome and install using alternate Chrome installer and check:
Go to the Windows Task Manager and close everything that has to do with Google and Chrome.
Uninstall Chrome and try Google Chrome alternate installer which allows you to install Chrome while being offline.
Click here to get the alternate installer.
You try to enter a specific room and get a SafeHarborGames error, but can enter other room.
This is due to a registry error, here is the fix:
First close any lobby windows.
On your desktop, click on the Windows Icon/Start button in the lower left part of your screen.
Scroll down to the SafeHarborGames folder and click to open. There should be three options - SafeHarborGames, Uninstall and SHG Clean Registery.
Look for the SHG Clean Registry option and click it.
Should take about a second, and then you can enter the room
If you do not see the option for SHG Clean Registry, go to our homepage, click on Downloads and download and run the install for our latest version of our software, and then repeat the steps above.
How do I get all those names to stop showing in a list when I try to login?
This is due to a setting in your web browser that is set to remember what you typed in a login box. To remove the list altogether, you can do the following. Please realize, that the all the names on the list are removed, but you can still type them in.
Click on Tools, Internet Options, then click on the Content tab.
Click on the settings button under Autocomplete.
Uncheck the username checkbox, and click OK.
Then CLick on Settings button under Autocomplete again, and recheck the username box.
Click Ok, then Ok again.
Restart your browser.
In Firefox/Mozilla
Click on Tools, Options, and then click on Security at the top.
Uncheck Remember passwords for sites and click OKay.
Repeat, and recheck the Remember passwords for sites and Click Okay.
How do I get Keyboard Express to work with Windows 8?
This is due to the new and challenging permissions, as well as the new Graphics set up in Windows 8 by default.
Instructions below (Thanks to our staff for their investigation on what to do).
You can also Click here for instructions from the Yacht Club Site
First we turned off the UAC to never notify to do this.
Go to the Search Charm and type "Change User Account Settings":
In the console, drag the bar down to "Never notify":
Reboot your system.
Then we changed the display to aero lite, please see link below as this is a little more complicated, it tells you how to do it step by step, then again reboot your system. http://www.askvg.com/how-to-enable-hidden-aero-lite-theme-in-windows-8-rtm/
Change your KBE to run as adminstrator
right click the kbe icon on the desktop
Then choose properties at the bottom
Under compatibility tab, there's a run as administrator box to check
run the program as an administrator
change to run the program in compatibility mode from windows xp to windows 7
Again reboot to save all changes just as a precaution.
How do I run SafeHarborGames on Linux?
SHG Under Linux Instructions as suggested on the wine forum from:
Seems to work in Wine in Linux.
What was done:
Install winetricks firefox
Go to the safeharborgames website and download the installer (you can do this in any browser)
the installer is an msi file, so install it with msiexec /i
Using Firefox in Wine, go to the safeharborgames website
Create an account if you haven't already, and log in
Click on whatever game you want to play
When prompted to install flash player, accept.
Click on whatever room you want to enter
When prompted for what application to launch with, click the Choose button, browse to the directory where harborgames.exe is located, and choose that. The first time you do that, it will download the games.
Wait for the game to load. It takes about 20 seconds.
Note that the desktop link for safeharborgames doesn't work, but running Firefox and going to the website does