Yacht Club Class - Learn your Advantages
Transfer your Yacht Club Membership to an EXISTING Nick
Hear Ye Safe Harbor Games allows us to have upto 15 nicks, being a Yacht Club Member, you can transfer your Membership to another nick.

You now have the ability to transfer the membership to another nick yourself, by going to your account when signed into your YCM nick, then choose the option " Select a Different Nick for your Yacht Club Membership", then enter the nick and click swap membership now, sign into the nick you swapped it to and enter a lobby, this will have been changed.

If you would like to transfer the account to a nick thats only just been registered, before switching to the new nick, you MUST first enter a lobby with this new nick, then switch the membership.

Please note, a Yacht Club Membership CAN NOT be placed on a tokened nick, it is either one or the other.
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