1= Book Antiqua
2= Bookman Old Style
3= Comic Sans MS
4= Georgia
5= MS Sans Serif
6= Palatino
7= Palatino Linotype
8= Tempus Sans ITC
9= Times New Roman
A= Veranda
B= Jokerman
C= Lucida Calligraphy
D= Lucida Handwriting
E= Script MT Bold
F= Trebuchet MS
0 is for No code selected
8 is if you want the letters BOLD
4 is if you want the letters ITALIC
C is if you want BOLD ITALIC
RED is /FF000083/
BLUE is /0000FF83/
GREEN is /00800083/
PINK is /FF00FF83/
BLACK is /00000083/
83 on the end --- 8 ;represents bold, 3 represents Comic Sans - font style becomes Comic Sans in Bold
Adjust those for your own liking.
Sites that I use for the colours. http://html-color-codes.com/ and http://www.immigration-usa.com/html_colors.html
At random any colour /FF660083/ <- type that at the very beginning of your type line, without a space, then type your message.
Like this :)
The / at beginning and end of the code are to be copied to.
Chose a color from the above sites 660066 which is the numbers/letters on the colour, you would then do /66006683/ 8 for bold, 3 for comic sans, or whichever font style you prefer.
If you change the number 3 on the end to any of the above font style numbers, this will change the style of your font from comic sans, to whichever font style you have chosen.