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How to change the font color on each line
Hear Ye Did you know you can change your font color per line?

See below.

This can only be done if you are in a Yacht Club Nick or Crew Member Nick.
Font colour can only be changed this way per line, I have tried to simplify it best I can.

0= Ariel

1= Book Antiqua
2= Bookman Old Style
3= Comic Sans MS
4= Georgia
5= MS Sans Serif
6= Palatino
7= Palatino Linotype
8= Tempus Sans ITC
9= Times New Roman
A= Veranda
B= Jokerman
C= Lucida Calligraphy
D= Lucida Handwriting
E= Script MT Bold
F= Trebuchet MS
0 is for No code selected
8 is if you want the letters BOLD
4 is if you want the letters ITALIC
C is if you want BOLD ITALIC
RED is /FF000083/

BLUE is /0000FF83/
GREEN is /00800083/
PINK is /FF00FF83/
BLACK is /00000083/

83 on the end --- 8 ;represents bold, 3 represents Comic Sans - font style becomes Comic Sans in Bold 
Adjust those for your own liking.

Sites that I use for the colours. http://html-color-codes.com/ and http://www.immigration-usa.com/html_colors.html
At random any colour /FF660083/ <- type that at the very beginning of your type line, without a space, then type your message.

Like this :)

The / at beginning and end of the code are to be copied to.

Chose a color from the above sites 660066 which is the numbers/letters on the colour, you would then do /66006683/ 8 for bold, 3 for comic sans, or whichever font style you prefer.

If you change the number 3 on the end to any of the above font style numbers, this will change the style of your font from comic sans, to whichever font style you have chosen.

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